Friday 24 February 2012

Plumbers are red, hedgehogs are blue, now press start, to be my player 2.

The above is what my Valentine's day card from Tim said, you can definitely tell that my boyfriend is a gamer and does computer games design but aww it was cute and I really liked it, and my presents from him too.

I was in Stafford for 9 days as I had reading week and wanted to get away for a bit and one of those days happened to fall on Valentine's day. Now I know Valentine's day is a load of crap and just a way to get loads of money out of saps who think that there's only one day in the year to show how much you really care about someone, even though you should do it every day but we still did it, just not the way Hallmark wanted us to. We started our day by going to town and to the old fashioned sweet shop where I was allowed to pick anything I wanted :D I went for this bright pink chocolate with little white chocolate crunchy nuggets on top, smells amazing. Tim got something similar but a minty one. They both taste amazing, but you can only manage about a square at a time, so rich but so good.

We then went back to Tim's flat where we had an indoor picnic which was really nice. We had tuna sandwiches, scotch eggs, bbq chicken, mini sausages, crisps and fondant fancies. So tasty, definitely want to do that again. Later on in the day we cooked a tuna pasta bake together and watched Harry Potter and it was just lovely. Didn't need to do all those stupid soppy expensive things, I was just perfectly happy being with Tim, now that is soppy. Oh well.

My lovely little blue fox is nearly as lovely as my boyfriend for getting him for me, he's so little and just aw <3

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