Wednesday 24 August 2011


My lovely squidge <3

She sells sea shells by the sea shore...

Me and Tim went to the seaside on Saturday for the day in the car which was really nice :) We had so much food! I made tuna sandwiches for the drive there, which we had with doritos, then we had donuts and ice cream (which was amaaazing!) and then fish and chips on the drive home, phew!

We walked on the beach and did the generic writing in the sand stuff and then Tim piggy-backed me running all the way down to the sea, I couldn't stop laughing :') Went and said hello to my Grandad who lives near there too which was great because I hadn't seen him in aaaaages, and they have a parrot :'D

I also bought a new typewriter and got a new fluffy trapper hat which Tim paid for half of :$$$
It's so fluffy!! <3

 We were so tired out from all the walking we did and we literally collapsed when we got back :') Awesome day, want to do it again, because we didn't get to go in the amusements :'( waah.

The next day we went out for a meal with my Dad and stepmum (who Tim's never met). We went to a place in Harrogate called 'Banyan' and had awesome burgers and cocktails so I was very happy :D

and we've just spent the past 2 days snuggled up in bed watching films, now I'm at home missing him but it's not long before I see him again because I need to see him before I go to Leeds fest at the Weekend (just for the Saturday).

I start uni in less than 3 weeks, it's safe to say I'm terrified. But I have bought all of my flat things....#winning!


Monday 1 August 2011

Hit me up!

I also joined a new website recommended to me by my college tutor. It's called HitRECord and I'm really enjoying using it. It gives creative people the opportunity to showcase their work and collaborate with fellow creatives, as well as allowing people to 'recommend' and comment on the work you upload. It's run by Joseph Gordon-Levitt which is really cool and I'm getting more and more inspired by it every time I log in!

check meowt! :3

And finally, this is what I look like these days
hi hello hi

Life update

Busy busy!
Since I last posted I've done quite a few things which has kept me away from updating!

MagalufOn the 17th July I went to Magaluf in Spain for a week with Tim and some friends which was really nice :)
Sadly I didn't take too many photos but here are a small selection: 

I definitely only packed the essentials...

We went to a western water park which was awesome! Water slides are one of my favourite things ever! We also find one of the best pizza places ever, you can have literally anything on it in the weirdest combinations :') Have now discovered that tuna, bacon, sweetcorn and extra cheese go stupidly well together. It makes me very sad to come back to England and not be able to have frozen cocktails anymore, slush puppies are another one of my favourite things so having a stupid amount of alcoholic flavours to choose from was amazing :D

I was disappointed in myself for being too short to go in the hotels pool and just have fun, it was just too deep! I had to tread water constantly :') But it was a lovely pool all the same. The apartments we stayed in were nice too and we could see the water park from our balcony!

Aah, I know I'll have missed loads out, but such fun!


tourist shot
A few days ago I went to York for a couple of days to stay at Frankie's new house, since she moved there from Bradford whilst I was on holiday (I knew she was going obviously). The house is amazing, and York is so lovely and pretty, I'm definitely going to start going more. On the Thursday we went into York centre and had ice cream from Millie's cookies, I made an absolute mess of myself, but it tasted so good!

Then we went back to Frankie's and made fajitas which tasted so good! Had a good catchup with Frankie's mum which was really nice and she lent me a couple of design books which is awesome of her :D Gonna make some of the felt things that are in the book this week to keep me busy, eeyah! Then we watched 'Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind' which is one of the best films I've ever seen! Wow, my head hurt after that! The next day we went into York centre again and I bought a lovely necklace with an acorn on it and a gorgeous silver ring from Pia which has 'be happy' engraved into it. It's beautiful, Frankie says I need it to look at when I'm sad, it's true, but it's a beautiful ring. Also, found this HUGE Stitch plush in the Disney store, want it! I need to add to my Stitch collection....

I got the bus back to Wetherby just after 5 to meet Tim to come back to mine :)

Hello Kitty collection
Also, Magaluf helped to feed my Hello Kitty habit, I didn't get all the pictures off my camera yet but here is a photo of all the stuff I bought together:

2 x Pez dispensers (one from boyf <3)
1 x very awesome beaker!
2 x candy watch things
3 x phone charm + candy
1 x box of cookies
1 x pack of biscuits
1 x engraved lighter

and and and I bought a lovely Hello Kitty plush cushion in Leeds yesterday, photo soon!

Weekend with Tim
Friday night - made chicken burgers with chips and watched tv

Saturday - did a 'big shop' at Morrissons and then watched 'Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind', had chicken kievs for tea and watched tv

Sunday - went to Leeds, did a bit of shopping, went to see the new Harry Potter film (AWESOME!) then came home and had mini pizza and chips for tea and watched Mock the week :D

Monday (today/tonight) - Currently updating blog(s) and general social networks, planning some creative things for me to do this week, Tim is now awake and watching Top Gear, I'm going to make us some lunch soon, we might watch Hot Fuzz and some other films, and then tonight I'm going to cook him dinner and be all romantic and such :) <3

Phew! I need a cup of tea after all that! Vanilla Redbush here I come!