Thursday 9 June 2011


Been making cakes and biscuits out of felt with Frankie for my Final Major Project this afternoon, these are our first attempts, what do you think? 

Wednesday 8 June 2011


Don't want to say goodbye :(

Hi hi hi :)
We're in our last week and a half at college before the final show opens and we've been preparing the studios to put up the exhibition today. I dressed for painting which we ended up not doing, so I'm wearing jeans for the first time in about a year and a half for nuffin :') I feel like a right little skater today, it's weiiiird as I'm usually in shorts with tights or dresses :'D

Lots of photos have been taken today because everyone's trying to take as many as possible and make some more memories, it's lovely :3
Here is a choice selection, more to come:

sk8r b0i

Myself and Harriet :)
Waiting for paninis!
Me and 'Dum!
Motley Crew
More pictures tomorrow! Sad sad times, but good times! <3 rararaarrrrrrrrr :D

Tuesday 7 June 2011

Slurple the purple

I was a colour model at Nicky Clarke today, told her she could basically do what she liked with it as long as it still stayed red so now I am purpley red :D

Full head colour is usually £140 but I only had to pay a tenner! and the lovely Rebecca Drury (of Reetsweet) was there working on reception which was niiiice. Today is win! <3