One day I will update this blog more regularly, but for now allow me to be useless. I can't believe it's been so long since I posted on this, and also that I haven't really done much new of interest either. That isn't to say I haven't been having fun, it's just I've been less arty/crafty as of late. Note to self: start actually doing things again. For a change I'm going to do a few small(er) posts rather a great big long one to make it less of a ramble, hurrah!
Since I've last posted I've started back at uni with a new project (which I'll tell you about in the next post), it's been my birthday and Valentine's day, as well as a couple of trips to Stafford and there's been a lot of burgers.
Birthday - 26th January
On my birthday I had a deadline for an essay which wasn't great but regardless I did quite a lot and had a good time and saw a lot of different people. Frankie came up from Wycombe (London) for the weekend so she could be here on my birthday and Tim came after uni, so what did I do whilst we waited for them to arrive? Handed in my essay then went to the pub of course. Yates on a Thursday = 2 for 1 cocktails and such pretty colours.Sacha bought me the pretty blue cocktail below, it's Blue Lagoon and I love it.It was nice to just be there with people, and I got some lovely presents, and Skittles which I had asked for the night before.

We stayed in Yates for a couple of hours before heading back up to the flat for some party food (mini sausages, pizza, crisps etc). A couple of my flatmates had decorated the flat with birthday banners and Hello Kitty plates and party bags (!) which was really nice. By this time it was getting on for about 8 and we needed to go meet Frankie and Tim at the train station so myself, Lee and Sacha walked to town. Sacha headed home and we made our way to collect our other halves.Tim and I were going for a meal the next day so didn't really want to go for one that day too (and after a lot of party food I don't think we could have managed it) so we made our way to McDonald's for my lovely birthday tea as we are superb students. After this we headed to Carpe Diem for cocktails (so many cocktails!) . Sadly they were out of lemonade somehow and generally all the exciting and my favourite cocktails need lemonade so we had ones with milk and cream in and they were surprisingly nice. after all this we were absolutely knackered so made our way back up to the flat and went to bed. Overall, lovely day :)
My birthday didn't stop there though, because Tim had missed most of my birthday we had it again on the Friday, so we went to Tropical World and then out for a meal to TGI Fridays (where we'd both never been and it was amazing). It did start snowing and hailing on us on our way to Tropical world which was a total nightmare seeing as it was sunny when we left the flat but other than that I had a really nice day. Sadly parts of Tropical World are in the process of being renovated so a lot of the trees and such were missing in areas, but seeing the meerkats made up for it completely, ridiculously cute and inquisitive. TGI Fridays was one of the nicest meals I think I've ever eaten, it was amazing. We had double stacked bacon burgers, mine had special Jack Daniel's glaze on it, and it had pickles on it and the chips were so nice and urgh it was just ridiculously good. Not to mention the drinks we had, they took slush to a whole new level, and more cocktails, mmmm.The next night (the Saturday) we went out with Sacha, Jamie, Vicky, Laura and Danhi to Wire, a club in Leeds, for a sort of joint night out for my birthday and Danhi moving back to London then to America (sob sob :c) then hobbled home because heels are the devil, playing count the chicken on the way home. Fools. Before we went out Laura brought out a cake she had made me and it was just amazing, a rainbow cake covered in marshmallow fluff, it was never ending and very sticky but so so so tasty.

I received some lovely presents for my birthday, as well as money from family (which I'm putting towards a new laptop because this one is on it's last legs). I also got a lot of very nice cards which I just took down.
Top photo: Rob Ryan book 'A sky full of kindness' from Frankie, 'Handmade typography' book, owl necklace, Hello Kitty teddy, Hello Kitty coaster, travel mug, all from Becca, a lovely tin lunchbox full of treats and things I love from Sacha, ink stamping set and Hello Kitty jelly beans from Laura, Kinders from Tim (his other presents are below and in the form of burgers), To-do book from Tim's parents (as well as money).
Middle photo: Hello Kitty headphones from Tim. My god they are amazing. and they come with a microphone attachment for Skype and everything. So ridiculously comfy and good quality. Boyf done good.
Bottom photo: a beautiful orchid from Tim. I've wanted one for ages and now it's brightening up my windowsill. I also enjoy getting to use the water sprayer thing I have for it. Currently chilling in a mixing bowl.
and so concludes my first installment of 'shorter posts'. I failed miserably as I originally started this last night at 9.30pm and it is now nearly 4pm the next day because I was on the phone to Frankie for hours planning a holiday to Barcelona, but there will be more on that later, but excited! Onwards with the next installments! <3