(For starters, please ignore the mess Blogger has made of this post)
So I'm just going to overspill into one great big lonnnnng post. I was questioning whether or not to even carry on blogging until someone suggested I voice my worry of 'Is there any point blogging if no-one reads it?' on the social network sites that I use, which I did and was given the response that you blog for yourself and not someone else, and if someone happens to like it then that's great but it doesn't matter because you're doing it for you anyway. Still feeling a bit stuck though so I'm just going to ramble. Maybe another time I'll take photos of the things that will most likely get mentioned but for now it's too dark and the pictures will be horrible quality.
I don't really know where to start, I always forget to update regularly then it's been weeks and lots has happened and I've usually forgotten half of it. So this is me trying to remember where I've been for the past few weeks, aided by last years calendar :')
17th Dec - Tim came home and went to Harrogate for couple of days
20th-23rd Dec went home to Wetherby
23rd Dec (afternoon) -27th went to Tim's for Christmas
27th Dec (afternoon) -31st home to Wetherby
31st Dec (afternoon) - 3rd Jan Tim's for a quiet NYE and NYD
3rd Jan - saw Frankie daytime and back at the flat for now until Tim's again tomorrow before he's back to uni and it's back to seeing each other once every 2 weeks again :(
Those are the most significant things I can remember or that I put on my calendar, apart from that when I went home to Wetherby I also saw my Dad/went to my Dad's, which was really really nice :) We went shopping to York on the 30th where I bought myself an iPod dock (I have been wanting one for so bloody long!), a new maroon and black lace jumper from Ark in the sale, a Simon's cat calendar in the sale at Waterstones and my Dad treated me to some gorgeous slipper socks in the White Stuff sale, they're amazing (L) Below are the photos I have of them on separate occasions, not the greatest photos I know.

I also bought myself some 'Snow Fairy' in the Lush Christmas sale on my way to Tim's on NYE, reduced from £3.50 to £1.75. I've heard good things about it from Leanne Woodfull, Irish beauty blogger, on her blog http://thunderandthreads.blogspot.com/ so I thought I would give it a try. I have very sensitive skin so I'm hoping it doesn't make me stupidly itchy, because it smells AMAZING like bubblegum and candyfloss, it's bright pink too :')
New years eve was a quiet one for me and Tim, we stayed in and had lasagna and chocolate mousse and watched Horrible Bosses (which is hilarious! I love Charlie day!) and then watched the fireworks on the telly with a 'special drink' that Tim has made for me - coke in a special glass with a party umbrella, it was beautiful :') On New Years Day we watched films and it was just really nice - Captain America, In Time and Megamind are all brilliant!

Yesterday I saw Frankie before she goes back to Wycombe which was really really nice because I miss having my best friend around, the bloody idiot :') We went for lunch at Yates and exchanged presents (got some lovely looks off people whilst opening Christmas presents on the 3rd January). She got me a lava lamp!Bloody fab seeing as I've been wanting one for ages and I was going to buy one that day, so glad I hadn't bought one previously, it's beaut! Had a stupidly tasty BBQ chicken and cheese panini with hot chocolate, it was amazing (L) Bloody love paninis :') Then we went shopping, and failed because we are the worst girls in existence and us shopping together just ends up with us going 'let's just not bother' :') BUT we did find some nice things, we both got the same (really nice) jumper in the Urban Outfitters sale, it's a really faded grey and maroon and urgh it's just comfy! Was £38 and we got it for £16.20, hurrah! I also bought a dark grey American Apparel hoody because I've been looking for one for so long and I just cannot find one I really like, I already have an AA hoody in 'forest green' but sadly it just doesn't go with everything, and I feel it often makes my hair look orange, which is fine, but sometimes it'd be nice if it just looked the colour it's meant to be, so grey it was, goes with everything! I know AA is a bit overpriced but having owned one of their hoodies already I know that they are pretty durable, so I'm happy to spend a little bit more if it means I get to keep the hoody longer, it's so fluffy inside, toasty toasty.
(I will post photos of the clothes when I have them)
So for now that's where I've been, what I've been up to, and what I've bought.
One of my favourite things about being back at home for a few days (apart from seeing my Nana ofc!) was just having peace and quiet, and just watching my friends box set, because I left it at home so I didn't always watch it and get distracted but I've been wanting to watch friends for weeks and weeks and weeks now, so I watched a LOT of it. The photo below sums up exactly why I loved being back at home, just awesome home comforts.

Also, last night I had a huuuuuuuuuge clearout in my (uni) room. I was absolutely ruthless with my clothes, getting rid of things I really didn't want to get rid of because I haven't worn them for a certain amount of time, therefore I don't need them. Some of them I wanted to keep just because I've had them for so long, but I want to carry on my new thing of not being as much of a hoarder. (However, still allowed to keeps things that I had before, unless I really don't need them, just not allowed to buy new unnecessary things to hoard, phew). I filled a huge bin bag, there was 2 piles of clothes and I do feel better for it, as hopefully I will wear what I have got more now, rather than rotating the same few outfits. (Also, new hoody means I will most likely wear a lot more of my clothes now anyway because they will go with grey if they didn't go with green). Before Christmas I also cleared out all my drawers and got rid of loads of stuff I didn't need, like flyers and posters and things I had collected from freshers weeks and so on, just hoarding unnecessarily, and 2 a half full bin bags later, quite a lot more space, which meant more organised drawers. Very glad I did this now, as the arrival of Christmas presents has meant I've needed more space to put things away, and good opportunity to get rid of stuff as they have been replaced. Brilliant :D
I got some fantastic presents for Christmas this year including lightsaber chopsticks, replacement Henry Holland suspender tights, pyjamas, raccoon hat, iTunes voucher, GIANT hairpsray, general makeup-y things, new hairdryer, a LOT of sweets and chocolate, a really nice diary, money and some other things. But my favourite present (aside from my phone obviously) has got to be the Stitch plush that Tim got me, because I've wanted it for 2 years and now it's my absolute baby :D So so so happy with it (L)(L)(L)Here's some not so great photos of us both :')
That's about all for now, I need to eat something at some point maybe then I might read for a bit seeing as I've bought 5 new books - 'My sisters keeper', 'Life of Pi', 'The beach', 'The time travellers wife' and 'The curious incident of the dog in the night time', all recommended to me and ordered swiftly off Amazon's used section. I should probably also get a haircut and stop drinking so much peach ice tea. Also I'm using twitter quite a bit now - @abcDerrian
Bye! |