In the form of my lovely boyfriend Timothy, what an absolute babe <3
I've spent Christmas with him and his family and its been lovely. Was really nice to wake up together and sit in our pyjamas :3 He got me some amazing presents and the Stitch plush I've wanted for 2 years! :D and a lovely lovely card (L) He really liked everything I got him :D phew! Its just been a really nice day and I'm blogging from my new phone, who's been named Hobson and we're watching telly and I just feel all warrrrrrm :$ More later :3
I've spent Christmas with him and his family and its been lovely. Was really nice to wake up together and sit in our pyjamas :3 He got me some amazing presents and the Stitch plush I've wanted for 2 years! :D and a lovely lovely card (L) He really liked everything I got him :D phew! Its just been a really nice day and I'm blogging from my new phone, who's been named Hobson and we're watching telly and I just feel all warrrrrrm :$ More later :3