Sunday, 20 November 2011

My favourite kind of teepee, my ATP!

Lovely Alex/other wifeface/ATP has come for the weekend and this makes me very very happy because I haven't seen her in like 3 months and I loves her and such! Tonight we've had tuna pasta and drawn and listened to music and it's been lovely :D Missed her!

Saturday, 19 November 2011

More links that may cause me to part with money, and time...

I would have done a lovely post on the Thought Bubble comic con but I couldn't afford a ticket...

However, Alex went and she has just arrived back with lots of goodies and prints/posters that she's bought :)

Going to post a few links off business cards she's brought back so I'm going to post them on here so I can find them again later :')

cute :)

Wednesday, 2 November 2011

love your birds nest!

Poster that I will be screenprinting tomorrow at uni. Made using InDesign and good old Helvetica. Will get a picture of the finished result, wish me luck!