Thursday, 14 July 2011

I wonder if it's obvious that blue is my favourite colour...

This is me today, I'm going into Leeds in a bit to meet Tim to do our last minute holiday shopping, then Adam wants to see us after :D Eeyah!

Looks a little bit like I've got a heart button fetish :')  

Dress - New Look (a couple of years ago)
Cardigan - originally from Topshop but I got it in a charity shop for like £4
Shorts - cut up from a pair of charity shop jeans
Boots - Vintage fair in Leeds 

Wednesday, 13 July 2011

Graduation 2011, bye bye ND Graphics :(

A week after our end of year show (24/06/2011) we graduated from National Diploma Graphics after 2 years together. It was very sad and I can hand on heart say I have met some of the most amazing people on that course, I'll never forget them. Luckily, some of them are also staying on at LCA like me, but sadly my best friends are moving/have already moved; Frankie to London and Alex to Lincoln. We will all be becoming Skype devotees :')

We came in in the morning to take down the show, and then we just had a nice time just sitting round talking (and eating cake and cookies) whilst we waited to go up to the Blenheim Walk building to graduate. We went up at 1 and were given our seats in the lecture theatre, all the HE courses were there; Graphics, Fashion, and Art and Design, where we were given a small speech by the principal. We were then called up in alphabetical order to receive our certificate (our actual diploma/official certificate is coming in the post), where we shook the principals hand and everyone clapped, yay :)
I got a DMM, which I'm quite happy with, although I was predicted DDD I've had a lot of crap going on this year that I haven't talked about, so to be able to even pull that out of the bag I'm pretty happy. Roll on uni!

I love Barry

We love Barry

Everybody I need


Aaaaaaaand then we did what was expected of us, we went to the pub :) I have now discovered Brothers toffee apple cider and it is beautiful! It was a lovely sunny day and everyone was there and it was just chillar :)

I was going to Bradford to stay at Frankie's and we were going to have a girly film and ice cream night and just relax but we had the brilliant idea on the bus home that we should go on a night out in Halifax to celebrate instead, so that's what we did :') I borrowed a dress off Frankie and away we went. It was Tim's prom the same night and him and his friends were coming to 'Fax afterwards too so we got to see them for a bit too which was really nice. all in all good day, ye boi. 

best picture ever :')

So attractive :')
Yes, I think I'm completely updated collegewise, I've finished, got DMM, and I'm going to uni in September, boss!
More soon <3

Warning: Very long post coming up. Final Major Project @ Leeds College of Art 2011 + Opening night of the show.

I really should have documented my FMP better for my blog, seeing as it is my design blog, but I was just so busy with it that I only managed to take a few photos, but it's better than none right :')

For our FMP we were given the opportunity to write our own brief, and we all changed ours several times over the course of the 3 months we were given, even if it was only a little. I created a 3D illustration and installation representing the Mad Hatter's tea party from Alice in Wonderland using handmade and upcycled objects and materials. So technical and arty with my terminology :') For this is did a lot of research into existing upcycled creations and artists, as well as 3D illustrators and photographers. This project also gave me the opportunity for historical research into the original Alice in Wonderland, the history behind it, the way it ties in logic, the author and the many different ways people/artists have interpreted Carroll's story.

I just found the project very insightful and I feel it has shaped the way I work. I also think my final installation shows how much better suited I am to Visual Communication, rather than pure Graphics.

I made 3 cake stands using crockery and vinyl records. I did a LOT of sewing: I made a tablecloth from 2 bed sheets which I then dyed blue, I made bunting, and I sewed a LOT of felt cakes :D

But enough of me rambling, photos!

a LOT of felt cake
My lovely best friend being the white rabbit for me with the ears I made

final photo 1
(these went on the wall which my installation was against)

final photo 2
(these went on the wall which my installation was against)

final photo 3
(these went on the wall which my installation was against)

final piece

final piece


And then came opening night and we had to dress all smart while all the parents and industry creatives came round and had a look :3

Girlies :D
It was really nice because Tim came to have a look at the show and he was all proud and it was lovely <3
Then it was onwards to the pub for drinks and relaxing after 3 months of stress :')

This has been a very long post, congrats if you have made it to the bottom. Next, Graduation!