Hi hi hi hi hi :)
I feel like over the past few posts I've just been more like a picture blog and that's not what I want, but I do enjoy giving visual aids to what I'm talking about, but there will be more text based posts coming soon :)
Since I last posted I haven't really done much apart from go to college and work on the advertising briefs that we're doing, as well as panic about the 5 birthdays I need to buy for this month! Eeeeek. It's Nat's birthday on Monday so I'm thinking about what to get her all weekend then I'm going to get it on either Sunday or Monday morning before I see her, because the weather yesterday was so ridiculous that I couldn't even walk round town to go shopping :( Got blown about everytime we left college and saw a few people go completely over, whoops.
Mike's at work for the next few hours so I took the opportunity to take a few photos of one of my birthday cupcakes (I've still got so much cake and cupcakes left, eep!). I think they turned out quite nicely, but they're just quick snapshots.

I also think it might be good for me to start noting down important dates and events on here, as well as in my diary, so I'm going start that now too.
Dates and events to remember:
7th Feb - Nat's birthday
11th Feb - Frankie's birthday + night out + college deadline
13th Feb - 'Handmade 5' event which
'Lily Bones' (our jewellery) will be selling at
14th Feb - Valentines day
23rd Feb - Dad's birthday
I also need to buy for my Nana's birthday on the 1st March and Mike's Mum's on the 3rd.
Stuff to do over the Feb half term:
work on illustrations for handmade book for portfolio
work on animation and/or photography brief(s)
going for afternoon tea with Mike's Mum :D
have a huge clear out at home
I'm sure I'll need to add to both those lists very soon but that'll do for now.
I'm going to a Rob Ryan exhibition and talk up at the uni building of our college on the 25th.
I'm really excited about it; his work is so beautiful and it's going to be so lovely to be able to hear him talk about his work and what inspires him :) Here is some of his work, they are all cut painstakingly out of paper by hand, amazing:
I think it's time for a cup of tea now, and I'll post again either later tonight or tomorrow, bai <3